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Date :1/26/2018
Press Release on 26th January 2018
Republic day Celebration

Mr. Ramesh Kumar, IAS, Commissioner, Jammu Municipal Corporation today hoisted the National Flag, the Tri-colour at Jammu Municipal Corporation, Town Hall Complex, Jammu on the occasion of 69th Republic Day-2018.

During the occasion Commissioner, JMC convey heart-felt greetings to the employees of Jammu Municipal Corporation and appreciated the work of officers/officials as well as SKCs of JMC and stressed upon for fulfillment of their duties and responsibilities with dedication, hard work and sincerity for a bright and prosperous society. He also stressed for providing better services to the general public and further stated that there is a need to educate the general masses to understand the need of the hour is to maintain our well being by way of keeping our surroundings neat and clean and it is duty of every citizen to pay more attention in respect of clean Jammu and green Jammu.

Among others Joint Commissioner (A), Sh. Rajesh Sharma, (KAS) Asstt. Commissioner Revenue Ms. Vinakshi Koul, (KAS), Chief Accounts Officer, Sh. Neeraj Gupta (KAS), Secretary, Ms. Sunaina Sharma (KAS), Joint Commissioner(W), Kushal Chand, Special Asstt. to Commissioner, Sh. Rakesh Chander Gupta, Health Officer, Dr. Anita Salgotra, Divisional Town Planner, Sh. R.K. Tutoo, Municipal Veterinary Officer, Dr. Jaswant Singh, Chief Transport Officer, Sh. Tariq Raina, Chief Khilafwarzi Officer, Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sh. Kamni Kesar, Enforcement Officer, Executive Engineers, S/Sh. Ghulam Rasool, Rajesh Gupta, Sanjay Kumar Bhagat, and other staff from the Corporation were also present on the occasion.