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Date :7/27/2018
Press Release on 27th July 2018
Mr. Arvind Kotwal Commissioner JMC visited the existing Slaughter House in Jammu city

Today Mr. Arvind Kotwal (KAS) Commissioner, Jammu Municipal Corporation , Mr. Khushal Chand Joint Commissioner (Works) , Dr. Zaffar Iqbal Municipal Veterinary Officer along with other team visited the existing Slaughter House Gujjar Nagar (Halal) , Slaughter House Dogra Hall (Jatka) and stray Cattle Pound of JMC at Dogra Hall.

During the tour of the area, the Commissioner JMC has issued on spot instructions for the improvements of the both the existing Slaughter Houses at Gujjar Nagar and Dogra Hall, Jammu in respect of the Tiles works, Stainless hooks, Repairs / fitting of new Fans , etc and other modern Technology through scientific method for the safeguard of cruelty to the animals and also for hygienic meet to the common masses.

At Dogra Hall Cattle Pound while inspecting he has issued on spot instructions to Joint Commissioner (Works) and MVO JMC to take immediate steps for improvement of Cattle Pound Dogra Hall by way repairing of Stray horse Shed , pipe line of Drinking water , partition in the shed through railing another allied works and also during the visit he said that the dung of the cows be properly maintained via Vermi compost unit and the same will be sold in the open market which will be become a part of training to those who are dealing with the Dairies and also Vermi Compost machine can be utilized in a proper way. During the visit Commissioner, JMC has also appreciated the role of MVO for his efforts in respect of Fresh vegetable waste are lifting on day basis from the nearby Vegetable Market and are served to the Stay cattle’s . The MVO has brought to the notice of the Commissioner that there is need for improvement of the feed of the Stray horses which was agreed by him .

He has also issued instructions / directions for planting the trees for the good atmosphere of the animals as well human beings at Cattle Pound Dogra etc.