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Date :12/10/2018
Press release on 08.12.2018.
Training session under the scheme of Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH).

Under the scheme of Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH), a training session was conducted by Ms. Shafia Naqshbandi, Social Expert (Member of the State Level Committee) in presence of Sh. A.K. Angurana, IAS (Retd.), Chairman of the Committee, Sh. Anil Gupta Secretary, Housing & Urban Development Department and Sh. Arvind Kotwal, Commissioner, Jammu Municipal Corporation to the field functionaries of Jammu Municipal Corporation and Director, Urban Local Bodies, Jammu on the devised format. The training is part of the series of trainings to be imparted to officials of Urban Local Bodies and Municipal Corporations across the State to collect data on urban homeless with the objective of providing shelter to such people. During the course of training, the field functionaries of both the departments were guided by Ms. Shafia Naqshbandi how to collect the data in respect of urban homeless so that exact information/data could be collected for construction of shelters for urban homeless.

The training is in pursuance to the State Level Committee constituted for monitoring progress of shelters for Urban Homeless Scheme with respect to writ petition No. 55/2003 titled E.R. Kumar and another v/s Union of India and others. It was emphasized to collect the data within the stipulated time frame so that shelters for urban homeless could be constructed.

During the training session, officers from Jammu Municipal Corporation and Director, Urban Local Bodies, Jammu also participated.