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Date :1/23/2019
Press Release on 23rd January 2019
Hon’ble Mayor, Jammu Municipal Corporation declared Chairpersons of the Standing Committees of Swacch Bharat Committee, Public Health Sanitation Committee and Social Justice Committee of Jammu Municipal Corporation

The Hon’ble Mayor, Jammu Municipal Corporation Sh. Chander Mohan Gupta today on 23.01.2019 declared Chairpersons of the Standing Committees of Swacch Bharat Committee, Public Health Sanitation Committee and Social Justice Committee of Jammu Municipal Corporation. Hon’ble Deputy Mayor Smt. Purnima Sharma, Commissioner, Jammu Municipal Corporation Sh. Pankaj Magotra (KAS) and Secretary, Jammu Municipal Corporation Mrs. Sunaina Sharma (KAS) were also present during the occasion.

In addition to above committees, The General Functions Committee and the Finance Planning Committee is headed by Hon’ble Mayor and Housing for All Committee and Skill Upgradation & Self Employment Committee is headed by Hon’ble Deputy Mayor.

For Swacch Bharat Committee Sh. Suraj Parkash, Hon’ble Councillor Ward No. 67, for Public Health Sanitation Committee Sh. Baldev Singh, Hon’ble Councillor Ward No. 56 and for Social Justice Committee Sh. Jeet Kumar, Hon’ble Councillor Ward No. 12 were elected as chairpersons unopposed.

Hon’ble Mayor, complemented the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees and thanked the entire team of Jammu Municipal Corporation for smooth conduct of election process initiated and expressed hope that with the coming into existence of the Standing Committees of the Corporation for specified purposes, the delivery mechanism of Jammu Municipal Corporation will become more efficient.