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Date :9/17/2021
Press Release on 17th September 2021
Cleanliness Drive regarding “Swachhata Pakhwada- 2021”

In its continuous efforts to discourage the spread of Dirt and filth in Jammu City, JMC has organized a Cleanliness Drive under Swachhata Pakhwada 2021 initiative.
With a group of volunteers named 'Climate’ Front at River Tawi, Gujjar Mohalla on Friday 17.09.2021. A stretch was taken within edges/ shore of River Tawi.
Under this Stretch, Spots filled with Dirt, Filth, bushes and C&D Waste were Cleared/ Cleaned by Supervisor, Prominent Citizens of Society and Sanitary Workers of Jammu Municipal Corporation in order to create awareness of cleanliness among masses. Various slogans were designed to bring focus to the core concerns of the Swachh Bharat campaign like Ban of Plastic, Use of Dustbins and Keeping the Public places clean. .
The dignitaries present in the event included Atul Kumar Gupta - KAS, Secretary JMC, Dr. Sanjogita Sudan – Health Officer JMC & Arun Nair – ASO JMC.
Other dignitaries included Mohalla Welfare Committee President, Climate front volunteers & prominent Citizens along with Sanitation workers of JMC.
Large public Participants were present in the Drive and many uncounted.
In effort to reduce & manage Plastic waste within Jammu City, another initiative called Anti Plastic Campaign named “Bye – Bye Plastic” #Jammuagainstplastic has been initiated by Jammu Municipal Corporation w.e.f August 2021 where people are motivated to limit the use of Polythene/ Single use plastic. With relation to the given campaign 10 awareness Kiosks are installed at prominent Commercial areas of Jammu City where people are encouraged to provide plastic waste & in return they are provided with a Jute/ Cotton Bag.