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Date :11/26/2022
Press Release on 26th November 2022
Mayor JMC addresses constitution Day Celebrations in JMC

Mayor, JMC, Mr. Rajinder Sharma participated in the Constitution Day Celebrations and addressed the gathering in the Conference Hall of JMC today. Conveying his greetings on the Constitution Day, Mayor, Mr. Rajinder Sharma recalled that in 1949 on this day, Independent India laid the foundation of a new future for itself. The celebrations were attended by Commissioner, JMC, Mr. Rahul Yadav and all Officers of JMC. The Mayor exhorted upon all to discharge the duties as envisaged in the Constitution with due diligence in the larger interest of Nation and the Society and also spoke about the social justice aspect emphasizing the equality of justice for one and all and impressed that the social justice to the economically backward and weaker section shall bring them at par with the affluent class and dealt at length on the constitutional provisions for ensuring social justice.

Mayor paid rich tribute on this occasion to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar for his peerless contribution in the making of our Constitution which has guided the destiny of India as a great democracy so far. Touching upon the basic contours of the Constitution, Mayor highlighted that this document guarantees justice, equality and liberty besides providing fraternity among citizens. On this occasion, Mayor and all participants also read out the preamble to Constitution.